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or select a subject from the following by clicking on its underlined title or booklet cover. . .
Jesus said, "I am The Way, the Truth and the Life" and "no man comes to the Father except by me." How does that relate to the Song of Moses (the Mosaic Law in The Covenant)? The Covenant is called "The Way" in The Torah and Jesus was saying that he was a living demonstration of it (The Way) in action, demonstrating how YOU have to be if YOU want to survive and go home to Father... | |
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Edited by JAH - 2000 A five part practical study of God's Law and The Divine Justice; Equality and Freedom that it provides; explaining how The Eternal Principles of The Law that was given to Moses 3,500 years ago can and should be applied to life in this day and age, to ensure abundant Life; Freedom and Justice for all and proper care for the Environment too. |
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Discover how and why the human Marriage Laws given to Moses; that are the ONLY way to make a marriage work and last for ever; are Symbolic of and Spiritually identical to the Marriage Relationship between God, The Father and His Wife (metaphorically) Israel. Find a deeper meaning why The Son, Christ Jesus, had to be Sacrificed, to pave The Way for sinning man-kind to return to the right relationship with God and learn about The only Way for us, His children; from all nations of the world; to be re-united with The Bridegroom and earn our place with Him in The New Jerusalem and New Age of True Peace on Earth, in this extraordinary insight into Divine Wisdom and Love. | |
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We are living in very strange days, and very strange things are happening around us. To the uninformed, it is very dark and puzzling. Nothing seems to make sense, until we turn to The Word (Truth) of God, and see it explained as being part of a Perfect Scheme in the Great Master Plan, working out so meticulously all down through history, and particularly so in the days of our own troubled generation. |
“...Another day, another dollar...” he says to himself,
as the worker makes his way from his humble abode to his place of
No matter what time they tell him to be there, he obeys. No matter what they tell him to do while he’s there, he does it without question. No matter how long they tell him to do it for... He is at the mercy of their bidding and finds himself putting their wishes and demands before his and his family’s affairs and even, at times, risks his own and other people’s physical health and well-being and the environment too, for them and their demands... |
All the "pleasant" effects that drugs provoke are; in essence; things that CANNOT be found in the world we live in today. Some people, at least, desperately need to feel them. No-one goes around loving each other, we all walk around WARY of each other. . . | |
a Garden of Eden full of life and beauty. Everything a human+Being
needs to be able to live and co-exist with other human+Beings, in
a caring society, in harmony with the natural environment, where everyone
puts others before themselves.
So what went wrong? |
The Ark of The Covenant,
what is it?
It is a hotline to the Ruler of The Universe. However it was not built by E.T. to phone home. It was built by Moses and Aaron to phone home. Phone home? I'll come to that later. Where did the building-plans come from? What does it contain? Why does it still exist, after millennia (CLICK HERE for the answers) |
In recent years there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the catholic church's views on contraception. To clarify this matter, we should look at on what grounds the church claims that contraception is not permissible... | |
Prison Officers & Governors. Do unto others as you would like to have them do unto you and in so doing set them a good example and a precedent for them to return the favour... |
God warned the people (through Isaiah the Prophet) that if they did not keep His Laws, which He gave to Moses, and allowed selfish, greedy, evil people to alter His PERFECT Laws, in any way, or make up their own laws, then gradually these people would become rich and others would be made poor. Then these now rich and therefore now powerful people would make up more and more laws and make the poor poorer and poorer and themselves richer and richer. He said that because of this there would come violence, stealing and times of trouble such as never were from the beginning up until this time, as the poor tried to take back their lost share of the world's resources, from the rich who had become rich by robbing them with false laws and economic policies and taxes... (this document occupies approx. 13 pages of A4 printed text.) | |
in Modern Society by Sexist and Mis-Leading Advertising. |
The large amount of sexist and mis-leading advertising currently being shown on television which is derogative and degrading towards men and portrays women as being more intelligent and "worth it" is absolutely evil; extremely arrogant and is the root cause of many of the problems we are all now encountering in modern society. | |
The Illuminati and The Council
on Foreign Relations
how and why the United Nations Organisation is the crux of a conspiracy
to destroy the sovereignty of the United States, Britain and other nations
and the enslavement of these nations' people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship.
Learn how the people behind this evil one-world-government conspiracy have
been using the mass-communications media, such as television, radio, the
press and Hollywood, towards achieving their Satanically-inspired evil
aims while arousing little or no suspicion from the general public.
All is revealed in this absolutely amazing, informative article, which explains how the Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations have been achieving their evil objectives, by massaging public-opinion through deviously stage-managed world affairs, wars and other events. |
In my career as a professional intelligence-officer, I had many occasions to access highly classified documents, but during service as a political science officer in-the-field, in Angola, West Africa, I had the opportunity to view a series of top-secret classified-documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a course from which I have not deviated, namely to uncover what power it is that controls and manages the British and United States governments... (-quote from forward by John Coleman) [This document occupies approx. 160 pages of A4 printed text] | |
Benjamin H. Freedman broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States. Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over the U.S.A. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman's essential message to us - his warning to the West - is more urgent now than ever before. | |
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THIS is The Fight that MUST be fought; The Battle that MUST be fought and WILL be won. Learn all about the age-old battle between the Forces of Good and Evil on Planet Earth: the history; who, what, where and why, and most importantly, how to fight. In this article you will find The only Way that we can ensure that we are on the Right Side and fighting in the Right Way, to conquer in God's Name and help to bring True Peace to Planet Earth and Real Justice for ALL of man-kind. | |
Looking at the world today, it is going so drastically wrong and it appears that nobody is doing anything about it. Every day the environment is getting more and more polluted, the climate is becoming more erratic with un-seasonal storms; cyclones; floods and droughts... |