Historical Sites In Ireland Related
To Teia Tephi, The Lia Fail Stone And The Ark Of The Covenant. |
. . .Teia Tephi
was taken to Cathair Crofinn (now known as The Hill of Tara), where she
married Eochaidh, the high king of Ireland, and they gave their pledges
of marriage over the Lia Fail Stone (Jacob's
Pillar - The Stone of Destiny) that Teia Tephi had brought with
her from Jerusalem. . . |
The proof that this cairn
is the tomb of Jeremiah The Bible Prophet who was commissioned
by God to bring Teia Tephi, the daughter of Zedekiah, the king of Jerusalem;
The Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) and The Ark of The Covenant to Ireland;
after the fall of Jerusalem in the sixth century B.C., is "written
in stone" in hieroglyphics, on the stones within the cairn itself.
. . |
The Rediscovered
Ancient Celtic History
of Co. Meath. |
JAH has recovered the autobiography
of Teia Tephi, the queen of Ireland who lived and ruled in the
sixth century B.C. The book contains detailed information about the fall
of Jerusalem in c. 588 B.C. and Teia Tephi's subsequent journey to Ireland
with Jeremiah the Bible Prophet, The Lia Fail Stone and
The Ark of The Covenant in 583 B.C. |
The Correct Dating
Newgrange - c. 600
- 550 BC
Aengus was the son of Eochaidh Ollathair, the Daighda,
High-king of Tara who reigned at the beginning of the sixth century
B.C. and according to the Annals of the Four Masters he
died at Newgrange in ‘year of the world’ 3450 (554 BC) and so Newgrange
is Iron-age NOT Stone-age. It was built in the sixth century
B.C. with metal tools, using horses and carts to haul and transport
the approx. 200,000 tons of stones.
The age of the cairn is also confirmed by the astronomical
alignment of the cairn with the Winter Solstice sunrise at this time
- 600 - 550 BC. |
The controversy ends here! |
There are many conflicting opinions
about who Ollamh Fodhla was and the controversy results from wrong assumptions
made because of dates that have been purposely made to seem to
be in conflict. |
Find-out why Columba, because of
whom Kells is famous, left Kells for Iona in Scotland; find the real meaning
of the four symbols on the Book of Kells and learn all about Rath Teltown
and the Teltown games on this revealing Kells and Teltown page. |
Welcome to a Unique
Sociological Event.

The Ark of The Covenant,
what is it?
It is a hotline to the Ruler of The Universe.
However it was not built by E.T. to phone home. It
was built by Moses and Aaron to phone home. Phone home?
I'll come to that later.
Where did the building-plans come from?
What does it contain?
Why does it still exist, after millennia
(CLICK HERE for the answers) |
This movie proves that The Ark of The Covenant is neither
in Aksum in Ethiopia, nor Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, and it reveals
its true location.
It is compiled from JAH's research;
which can be found throughout this site; and selected and corrected
footage from "The Lost Ark" by Bruce Burgess.
Ulster Flag. |
On the beautiful Ulster flag there is a "Red Hand"
mounted on the "Star of David", under a Royal Crown. Why
would symbols of Israel's royalty be on the flag of people who
have been taught that they are gentiles? |
To my son Cesar; he who will
come at the end of the twentieth century; My spiritual son. He
will understand what I have written and use the information wisely.
Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566)
Nostradamus then left a warning in the ONLY quatrain
that has a title; so that it would stand out from all of the
others and hopefully be taken notice of.
Quatrain 6,100 - 6 (man), 100 (% of men take
The "Song" of The Law against Unintelligent Critics.
Let those who read this verse consider it profoundly,
Let the common crowd and the unlearned leave it alone:
ALL of them - idiot Astrologers and Barbarians
Let he who does otherwise (JAH/Cesar) be a priest
for the rite. |
Take a journey into the past and
find-out who the Celts really are. Discover the
great significance that Celtic History has in the world we live in and
will have as we enter the new Millennium. |
The Teltown Fair and Commemorative
Funeral Games 2000 |
Funeral Games were held at Teltown,
near Kells, Co. Meath for centuries to commemorate the death of Teia Tephi,
the queen of all Ireland, who lived and reigned in the sixth century B.C.
These games were held in the form of a Fair and were not only to commemorate
Teia Tephi and her death, but were also to help the people to remember
The Perfect Laws of Freedom contained in The Torah, that she brought
with her when she came to Ireland from Jerusalem, arriving in 583 B.C.
. . |
The Book of Tephi describes in detail
the journey Jeremiah The Bible Prophet took with the daughter of king
Zedekiah of Jerusalem called Teia Tephi, The Lia Fail (Stone of
Destiny) and The Ark of The Covenant from Jerusalem to Ireland,
via Tanis in Egypt (as in "Raiders of The Lost Ark") then on to Gibraltar;
Breogan in Spain; Cornwall and eventually landing at Howth, near Dublin,
in Ireland on the 18th. of June 583 B.C. |
(in brief)
Tephi, queen of Tara
and Gibraltar.
Researched and compiled by
Teia Tephi became the queen of Ireland on the 21st of
June in 583 B.C. and was later wrongfully deified as a mythical goddess
called Bo / Bovinda, which is why over the passage of time she became
lost in the realms of myth and fantasy, ceasing to be remembered as the
real flesh and blood queen, who came to Ireland from Jerusalem, that she
really was... |
More than 2,500 years ago, in the
sixth century B.C., Navan was the Palace of Nuadh of the Silver Hand,
king of Ulster.
Nuadh, who was a just king, fought
for Teia Tephi, and to institute The Torah (God's Law) to Ireland; at
the Battle of Unna (Destruction); against Bressail and the rebel kings
and war-lords who fought to destroy Teia Tephi and God's Perfect Laws
of Liberty in The Torah. Nuadh held a war-council to defend Teia Tephi
at "Fair Emain", which is known today as Navan Fort. |
Find-out about the world-famous Irish Prophet Columba,
who lived at Kells in Ireland before he was driven-out by the established
clergy of his time and consequently went to live on the island of Iona
in Scotland, and the relationship between him and The Lia Fail Stone
(The Stone of Destiny). Discover the real reason that the book he commissioned,
now known as The Book of Kells, was written and the most probable
reason why it was mysteriously stolen and then later recovered again in
the 10th. century, with only the cover and the last few pages removed...
(this document occupies approx. 15 pages of A4 printed
text.) |
The First
Principle of God's Government - Theocracy |
Jesus said, "I am The Way, the Truth and
the Life" and "no man comes to the Father except by me."
How does that relate to the Song of Moses (the Mosaic Law in The
Covenant)? The Covenant is called "The Way" in The Torah
and Jesus was saying that he was a living demonstration of it (The
Way) in action, demonstrating how YOU have to be if YOU
want to survive and go home to Father... |