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- Gebal Tariq
British or Spanish?
As much as I LOVE Spain and the Spanish people, I have to say in all fairness that their claim to sovereignty over Gibraltar is FALSE and that history and the FACTS shoot holes in their argument and it just will NOT "hold water".
I am a non-Gibraltarian who has had a life-long love-affair with Spain and her people and therefore feel well-qualified to take a non-biased, historical and factual look at the claim currently put forward by Madrid and to reach a factual and honest conclusion.
Let us first analyse the Spanish side of the argument.
Spain is known as the IBERIAN Peninsula - WHY?
Why isn't it called the Spanish Peninsula? The word Iberia is a corruption of the word "Eber"ia / Heberia which means "Hebrew's Land". Eber (from whom the word Hebrew derives) was the grand-sire of the Hebrew Abraham (who was NOT Jewish - Jewdah was not born yet - he was the great-grandson of Abraham) who in turn was the grand-dad of "Jacob/Israel" who sired the "12 Tribes of Israel", by his 12 sons:- 1. Reuben; 2. Simeon; 3. Levi; 4. Judah [Jew-dah]; 5. Zebulun; 6. Issachar; 7. Dan; 8. GAD; 9. Asher; 10. Naphtali; 11. Joseph; 12. Benjamin (ALL 12 sons were Hebrews - NOT Jews - 1 Chronicles 1 v 24-28). Levi were the priests and were divided amongst the other tribes. Joseph/Manasseh took their place in battle and so substituted their own standard.
(The following pictures are of Israel's Twelve Tribal Standards)
![]() 1. Reuben |
![]() 2. Simeon |
![]() 3. Manasseh |
![]() 4. Judah |
![]() 5. Zebulon |
![]() 6. Issachar |
![]() 7. Dan |
![]() 8. Gad |
![]() 9. Asher |
![]() 10. Naphtali |
![]() 11. Joseph/Ephraim |
![]() 12. Benjamin |
(The Unicorn was Joseph's Standard and so it was shared by both of his sons - Manasseh and Ephraim who ALONE were NAMED Israel by their grand-dad Jacob/Israel - Gen. 48:16).
The FIRST inhabitants of Iberia, from the Adamic Race, were Hebrews (NOT Jews and NOT Spaniards).
True Jews (those racially descended from Judah [Jew-dah], Jacob/Israel's fourth son, not converts to Judaism, which is a religion not a race) are all Hebrews but not all Hebrews are Jews, just as all Scots are British but not all of the British are Scots. The True Jewish people are descended from only 2 of the 12 Tribes of Israel, ALL 12 of whom are Hebrews.
(The following two pictures are of the Two Tribal Standards of "The House of Judah" / Jew-dah)
![]() Judah |
![]() Benjamin |
"The House of Judah (Jew-dah)" The other Ten Tribes of Israel, who are NOT jewish, are collectively known as "The House of Israel".
Zaragoza in the Ebro (Hebrew) Valley was originally called ZARAH-GASSA which means "Stronghold of ZARAH." ZARAH / ZERAH was one of Judah's twin sons (Genesis 38:28-30), Judah himself being ONE (the fourth) of Jacob/Israel's TWELVE sons and a Hebrew.
Closer to Gibraltar, the River Guadalquivir was called, by the Moorish invaders, "Wadi-al-Hibri" meaning "River of the Hebrews." (So Gadites were still there.)
Cadiz was originally called "Gaderia" or "Gad's City" (Gad is one of the TEN Hebrew / Israelite Tribes who are NOT Jewish). This name was later changed by the Romans (formerly of Babylon) to "Gades" (pronounced GADIZ) and now it is known as CADIZ.
Therefore Iberia belongs, RIGHTFULLY, to the (British/Israel) HEBREWS whose name it bears.
"And God said unto Jacob - now called ISRAEL ..... A NATION AND A 'COMPANY' OF NATIONS (a 'Commonwealth' of nations) shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins" - Genesis 32:28; 35:11.
Central Iberia was invaded by the Romans; Vandals and others and these invaders drove the majority of the Hebrews out, to BRITAIN (from where they spread West to America; East to India and Australasia; North to Canada and South to Africa, in exactly the order prophesied by God in Genesis 28 v 14), leaving only a few Hebrews along the Northern; Western and Southern coast-lands :-
Vizcaya and Galicia in the North; Costa de la Luz (Light) in the West and The Camp of Gibraltar in the South.
That is WHY the Basques and Galicians want independence from the rest of Spain because they are from a totally different race, being descended from Hebrews, not from Romans (formerly Babylonians) or Vandals.
The Vandals invaded Southern Iberia and named it Vandalucia (Andalucia today), however the land itself is still known today as Iberia - "The HEBREW's Land", NOT Vandal's or Roman's land or Spaniard's land.
Therefore the Spanish people, who are not Hebrews, are NOT the RIGHTFUL possessors of Iberia - the Hebrews are (not Jews).
Now let us analyse the Gibraltarian side of the argument.
The word BRIT-ISH is Hebrew and it means "the people of the Covenant", in other words "the People Israel" - ALL of whom are HEBREWS (NOT Jews).
The reason that so many British people have bought homes in Iberia and have visited Iberia on holidays, for years, billions of them, including me, is because it was once, like Israel before it, their homeland and many would like to make it so again, if they could afford to live there.
Now let us "come to the point" about GIBRALTAR, whose very FIRST inhabitants (since the birth of Adam) were British from the Hebrew, Israelite Tribes of Gad; Dan(ish) and Simeon during the reign of king Solomon in 1000 B.C. - I repeat - 1000 B.C., at the very latest. Solomon was the son of king David, the shepherd boy, who slew Goliath and became king of Israel; and from whom Elizabeth the Second is directly descended.
King Solomon sent his famous miners to his Iberian Peninsula to mine for him and to return, by ship from Gibraltar, the minerals, to increase his legendary wealth. The legendary "King Solomon's Mines."
There is a tomb-stone in Sagunto, Spain, bearing the epitaph, in HEBREW, "This is the tomb of Adoniram (1 kings 4:6), an officer of Solomon, who came to collect Tribute (taxes) and died the (illegible) day." Tribute (tax) is only collected from subjects not foreigners.
The Tribal Standard (flag) of GAD is a CAMP (military TROOP encampment - FORT or CASTLE - Genesis 49 v 19 and the Jewish Encyclopedia) and the Tribe of Gad populated Southern Iberia; at least as far North as GADIZ; including GIBRALTAR which today bears what seems quite a strange name "The CAMP of Gibraltar" and the modern-day Tribal Standard (Flag) of Gibraltar is a military CAMP - FORTRESS - CASTLE.
(The following picture is of GAD's Tribal Standard)
In the year 722 B.C., when God punished the TEN Tribed "House of Israel" (NOT the TWO Tribed "House of Judah") for breaking His and their Covenant / Contract by sending them into SLAVERY in Assyria, some of the Tribe of Gad, having had relatives in Gibraltar since 1000 B.C., at the very latest, escaped capture and fled to Gibraltar as "Phoenicians" (Phoenicia was NOT a country, it was a region, and that region included Israel) as is recorded in the Gibraltar Museum, on Bomb House Lane.
Hundreds of years later on, when the Romans invaded, they drove the British Israelite Hebrews (from the Tribe of Gad, and Gadites are NOT Jews) backwards and named the South-Eastern coast "Sun (Sol) Coast" after their Sun-god worshipping, on SUNdays, religion, and the Hebrews, to differentiate themselves and their Religion, at that time, named the Western coast "Light (Luz) Coast" after the TRUE God Who is the SOURCE of spiritual Light (Truth and Enlightenment).
Later on the Vandals came and drove the Gadites (Giblites - 1 kings 5 v 18 margin note || - or Giblites as Ezekiel 27 v 9 Gebal) who were British Hebrews, but NOT Jews, back onto the Rock of their (which was their) Salvation where they set their CAMP and flag and fought to keep their Rock home.
The Moors invaded, under Tariq, taking possession of the Rock because God was punishing the Gadites for not keeping His Laws and The Covenant and for breaking their promise to Him. The Moors were followed by the Spanish, whilst the Gadites (Giblites) fled to Malta and Genoa and Britain etc. by sea. Then after only 203 years of Spanish rule, the British (Hebrews all) Israelite soldiers took it back into HEBREW (NOT Jewish) possession in 1704 A.D. and it has been British / Israel Hebrew property again, ever since.
The descendants of Gad, then, little by little, RE-populated the Rock and possess it today and their Tribal Standard (Flag) flies over it. TODAY!
(The following two pictures are of GIBRALTAR's Flag side by side with GAD's Flag)
![]() Gibraltar |
![]() Gad |
If you study them both carefully, and compare them, you will see that the two standards are basically the same standard, or flag, as we call them today, with both showing a military CAMP having exactly the same number of towers or peaks - three. The only difference is, that because they date from different periods in history, and architecture changes with time, quite naturally the architectural design of the CAMP or Fortress is from a different period in history but the standard, or flag, is the same.
As history records few, if any, instances of a family tribe or people adopting the emblem of anyone else, when we find today a group of related peoples using nearly all of Israel's emblems (especially the lion and the unicorn) and that they go as far back as their historical records and legends go, then their Israelitish origin is no longer a possibility or even a probability, it is a CERTAINTY.
Anyone who knows Gibraltar, knows that there is no other nation that does as much "GADding-about".
The first inhabitants of the Rock were British Hebrew Gadites (NOT Jews) and they have possessed it ALMOST continuously for 3000 years, at the very least.
The FACTS therefore PROVE that Spain's claim to Gibraltar is FALSE. They had it for only 203 years.
The Spanish have NO historical RIGHT to the land on which THEY live, that bears another people's name - (Heberia) Iberia, never mind to The Camp of Gibraltar.
I rest my case and hope that the Spanish government will now let their false argument, based on historically incorrect facts and assumptions, rest too, so that The Camp or Fortress of Gibraltar can live in peace from now on. - JAH - Copyright © 1991-1999 - all rights reserved
Perhaps the British; Galicians; Basques and Gibraltarians should unite and take their land Heberia (Iberia) back from the Spaniards or perhaps, better still, everyone should stop "acting the goat" (Matthew 25:32-34) and learn to live side by side in "Peace and Harmony" under God's Sovereignty, "His Royal Laws of Liberty" and "Covenants"/Testaments, as is, and has always been, His Will (Islam in Arabic).
The Tariq part of the word Gebal-Tariq, which is also Arabic, means "The Night-Visitant".
"The Night Visitant" is Christ - on the second coming.
Now that you know who the Gibraltarians really are - GAD you should read what Christ is going to do for GAD, in Deuteronomy chapter 33 verses 20-21.
If YOU would like to know how to help him and be able Live properly and enrich YOUR lives, and Live for ever, YOU should read "The Way home or face The Fire", by this author - JAH.
External link:- Gibraltar - El Llanito (http://www.llanito.net/index.html)