*Certain = without doubt. |
Send US $50 (outside of Europe)
for your personal
pocket-sized Survival-Plan on CD
(inside Europe €50 [Euros]).
Please specify whether for PC, or Mac.
This is a one-time payment with
no hidden extras.
Due to having to avoid the "Mark
of the Beast" we now
only accept cash.
Please send cash payment to:-
JAH Publications,
P. O. Box 561,
The Way Home - PMB 205,
(Via London).
NOTE: Please use sturdy/secure envelopes, but NOT padded envelopes as they get stopped by customs.
The Armageddon Survival-Plan - "The Way home or face The Fire" - is also available separately, in print, as a Book. Special Offer - Get "The Armageddon Survival Kit" on CD and "The Way home or face The Fire" in print, for the special discounted price of US $60 (outside of Europe), or €60 (inside Europe); by sending to the above postal address. |
Download the free Armageddon Survival-Kit demo distribution
diskette and help us tell the world...
The Armageddon Survival-Kit demo-diskette is here packaged in a Winzip file (askdemo.zip - 529Kb). You will need a file compression agent, such as Winzip for PC or Stuffit Expander for Macintosh, to be able to extract the contents of the demo into a folder on Your computer, to then be able to transfer it onto diskette.Please feel free to make copies of this demo-diskette, to give to friends and family, and help them to find The Way of Life and True Freedom.
Please click here, or on the Preview Disk logo above, to download.