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This Book is dedicated to all "Seekers for Truth" and to future World Peace. That peace can only be brought about by the Enlightening-effect of The Truth, on those who will recognise it, after having diligently sought and found it, and who will then be drawn towards the Light of The Truth, leading to the drawing-together and Uniting of all men of goodwill; through the destruction of the darkness of ignorance caused by people having been taught, and believing, seductively-packaged lies, extensively and widely-promoted; falsely presented as truth, and then learned as such, in error.
If you are a "Seeker for Truth", have you ever stopped to consider just how many things, throughout our lives, we have all been taught, that are not true? One of the hardest things in life is to recognise what is not true, and, the fact that "you must UNLEARN what you have learned" that is not true: it's harder still to unlearn it.
Nowhere is this more true than in the sphere of history and religion. Most people today have an attitude of superiority towards the people of former generations, including towards The Prophets, but is that attitude justified? More than ninety-nine percent of all Prophecy, given by The Ruler of The Universe; and approximately two-thirds of the Bible is Prophecy; has already been fulfilled, in exact and minute detail, as can be proved by comparing His Prophecies to world history. Only a blind-fool would therefore choose to believe that the remaining less than one percent will not also be fulfilled, likewise, in exact and minute detail; soon. You really ought to seek The Truth; to survive. "Only the Truth can set you free."
Scholars and so-called masters (Matt. 23:10) from past centuries and this present one have written many statements that have been proved wrong by Prophecy being fulfilled. Most of the high-ranking leaders of the religions; throughout history, who claimed to represent and speak for God; have been proved wrong by those very humble Prophets whom they rejected and killed, but who really did speak for The Ruler of The Universe. This world is in a mess because of them.
Statements made and put forward as facts; either in ancient days or today; must be tested. God's Truth must not be replaced by Error for lack of evidence to support the Truth: it is the correction that must have unassailable proof, otherwise it is only man's theory. People's opinions and theories must NOT walk forth in the Mantle of Truth; they may have wrestled and stolen that mantle from its original-owner and thus done violence against The Truth, to their own ultimate destruction (please see and note well chapter 104 and 2 Peter 3:16).
Some people from amongst the Christian nations, although they mostly ignore and do not do what The Ruler of The Universe commands them in The Torah, at least accept that it is genuine. Jews and Moslems however, all, in effect, call Mohammed (God's Messenger, peace be upon him); Gabriel and also God Himself, LIARS, IF, or when, they believe, or say, that The True Torah or True Bible§ no longer exists.
The Ruler of The Universe; RABB - YHWH the "I AM" God; instructed Gabriel to tell Mohammed, to declare to this world, that God Himself GUARANTEES that The Torah will ALWAYS exist and will come to YOU and that it is genuine. God's Own PROMISE of that FACT is written in His Holy Koran in Sura As-Sajdah (The Prostration - Worship) - Sura 32 in verse 23:-
"Holy Koran - Sura 32:23. 'We did indeed aforetime give the Book (The Torah) to Moses: be then NOT IN DOUBT of its (The Torah - the five Books of Moses*) reaching (YOU): and We made it a Guide to the Children of Israel'."
In Sura Al-An'am (The Cattle) - Sura 6:154-157 of His Koran; God commands all Moslems to study; learn and live by The Torah, which contains The Commandments and The Covenant that YOU; the Children of Israel and ALL true believers MUST keep (Suras 5:8 & 16:91); unless you want to burn in Hell-Fire; as God told Mohammed; Jesus and Enoch. That is why God had to guarantee and make sure that The Torah would come to you and told you NOT to doubt it.
Therefore I have inserted, in this Book, cross-references to The Torah; Bible and The Koran and explanatory notes in accordance with God's Word; His Promise and His Will (Islam in Arabic), to tie them together and bind them as One*, as the "I AM" our God is One; as you all should be (John 17:21; *chapter 104).
There must be no compulsion in religion, as God told Mohammed in Sura 2:256, which confirms that He has given you (like Adam) your own free-will to decide whether to believe Him; obey Him and live; or not. It is therefore entirely up to you to choose for yourself whether to believe The Ruler of The Universe, as righteous Abraham did, in order to become the "Friend of God" and live, or to believe men, instead, and thereby continue to be His enemy, and burn, with them.
* The Torah is the collective name given to the five Books that God gave to Moses, at Sinai, which are called: - Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy.
The Sura references quoted are from The Holy Koran: all of the other references quoted are to be found in the Authorised Version of The Holy Bible; which contains, and begins with, The Torah.
§ The recently completed "King of kings' Bible"; which is the True Bible; containing The Torah; Bible and Koran, all in one Book, with cross-references and explanatory notes, is not yet available in hard print, but is available in HTML format, to study on your computer. Please click on it for details.
This long hidden "Book of Enoch and Noah", which originally was part of the Holy Bible; and was wrongfully removed by powerful evil people who did not want you to read it, because of what it says about them; is the missing-link and binding-tie between The Holy Bible and The Holy Koran and it contains proof that the original Holy Koran, contained in God's newly completed "King of kings' Bible", is undoubtedly from The Ruler of The Universe (God/Allah), and, when correctly interpreted, it is in perfect harmony with the Bible (see chapter 104).
The Book of Enoch was acknowledged as Holy Scripture by Jesus the Nazarite; by his half-brothers James and Jude; by all of his Apostles and the whole Christian Church for several centuries before Mohammed Mustafa was given the Holy Koran, in which Enoch is greatly praised by God and we are told that God "raised him to a lofty station". This praise is also recorded in the section of The Apocrypha called "The Wisdom of Joshua the son of Sirach", also known as "Ecclesiasticus".
This extremely precious "Book of Enoch"; a Book of "immeasurable importance"; throws much Light on the thinking of God, and also of Jesus and of his Apostles Paul and Peter. All regarded it as Sacred Holy Scripture and quoted from it; as did also Jesus' half-brothers James and Jude. It should therefore be readily accepted not only by Moslems but also by all Christians, and; because of God's very high-regard for His Prophet Enoch expressed by Him in The Torah; Jewish people too. Hopefully that will result in the uniting of all three as one, as God is One.
1:1 The word of the blessing of Enoch, how he blessed the Elect and the righteous, who were to exist in the "Time of Trouble" (after 1917 A.D.); to the rejection of all the wicked and unGodly (Psalm 1), Enoch, a righteous man, was with God, answered and spoke, while his eyes were open, and while he saw a holy vision which was in the heavens (Genesis 5:24; Jude 14-15; Sura 19:56-57). This the angel showed me (Noah).
1:2 From them I heard all things, and understood what I saw, that which will not take place in this generation, but in a generation which is to succeed at a distant period (Dan.12:1-4), on account of the Elect (Matt. 24:22).
1:3 Upon their account I spoke and conversed with Him, Who will go forth from this habitation, the Holy and Mighty One, the God of the world.
1:4 Who will hereafter tread upon Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19:11, 18, 20; 24:16); appear with His hosts; and be manifested in the strength of His power from heaven.
1:5 All shall be afraid, and the Watchers be terrified.
1:6 Great fear and trembling shall seize them, even to the ends of the Earth. The holy "mountains" (governments) shall be troubled, and the exalted "hills" (bureaucracies) depressed, melting like a honeycomb in the flame. The Earth shall be immersed, and all things which are in it perish; while Judgement shall come upon all, even upon the righteous (Rev. 20:11-15; ch. 89:41).
1:7 But to them shall He give peace: He shall preserve the Elect, and towards them exercise clemency (ch. 6:11-12; Revelation 14:1-3; 21:27; Sura 69:18-24).
1:8 Then shall all belong to God; be happy and blessed; and the splendour of the Godhead shall illuminate them (Isa. 40:5; 65:21-25; Revelation/Apocalypse 21:23).
2:1 Behold He comes with ten thousands of His holy warriors, to execute Judgement upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all of flesh for every thing which the sinful and unGodly have done, and committed against Him (Jude 14-15).
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